Student Solution


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Week 11_Discussion_Human Sexuality

Week 11_Discussion_Human Sexuality

Q Question: We know male and female condoms are the most effective methods to reduce the transmission of STIs. We also know from the book that not all STIs are curable and/or even identifiable by tests (e.g., HPV in males). Therefore, with new infections/diseases continuously be identified (e.g., HIV in the late 70s/early 80s, but not considered an “issue” until the early 90s; Mycoplasma genitaliumidentified in the 80s, yet not considered an issue until 2015; and currently the Zika virus), discuss at least 2 reasons our society (not all, but a large percentage) decides to have “unprotected” sex (e.g., without a male or female condom)?

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Through the reading materials, it has been observed that even though condoms are present for providing protected sex but most of the people even today do not use any kind of condoms during sex. The reason that men and women opt for unprotected sex rather than using any kind of pills or condoms is that there are a lot of side effects of the pill that is unbearable by few of the women. Male distaste is another reason that condoms are not used and there is also certain discomfort for the people using it.